
ESG Performance

EDP Brasil is a Company committed to excellence in ESG and one that believes in Sustainability as a core value of an integrated strategy. In the Business Plan 2021-2025, the Company reiterates its commitment of leadership in the energy transition, supporting the construction of a more sustainable society.

The EDP Group maintains its commitments with the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and with the principles of the Global Compact, a United Nations Organization initiative for stimulating companies to adopt corporate policies of social responsibility and sustainability, addressing themes such as human rights, work, the environment, and corruption.

Last update August 12, 2021
In 2030

Leading the Energy Transition

100% renewables generation

85% decrease in gas emissions (scopes 1, 2 and 3), compared to 2017

Committed to Protecting the Environment

Setting a No Net Loss target for biodiversity in all our projects

With a Positive Impact on Society

35% of women employees

And a Strong Governance Structure

High performance in ESG rating


Committed to the energy transition, EDP Brasil has as its focus a strategy of commitment to be 100% neutral in carbon by 2030 and maintain the targets for reducing CO2 emissions approved by the SBTi (Science Based Targets initiative).


Since  the IPO in 2005, EDP Brasil has operated in B3’s Novo Mercado segment on the basis of the highest standards of corporate governance in the market. The Board of Directors is composed of nine members, four of whom are independent, elected at a General Shareholders Meeting.

Currently, EDP Brasil maintains 5 thematic committees, including Sustainability and Diversity. More information is available in: Committees

Manufactured Capital
Natural Capital
Social Capital
Financial Capital
Human Capital
Intellectual Capital
  • Installed Generation, Transmissionand Distribution Capacity.
  • Energy Solutions.
  • Branches and service stores.
Value Creation


  • Purpose
  • 2030 Vision
  • 2022 Strategy
  • Purpose-Driven Goals


  • Generation
  • Transmission
  • Distribution
  • Commercialization: Energy Services and Solution
Value Generated

External Outcomes

  • Energy generated, transmitted and distributed to society.
  • Energy saved through energy solutions.

Internal Outcomes

  • Installed capacity maintenance.
  • Extension of distribution and transmission networks.
  • Renewable Natural Resources
    • Water (hydroelectric power).
    • Sunlight (solar power).
  • Non-renewable natural resources.
    • Coal (thermoelectric energy).


Value Creation


  • Purpose
  • 2030 Vision
  • 2022 Strategy
  • Purpose-Driven Goals


  • Generation
  • Transmission
  • Distribution
  • Commercialization: Energy Services and Solution
Value Generated

External Outcomes

  • Emissions avoided by energy efficiency projects.
  • Natural habitat conversion and restoration initiatives.
  • Offsetting GHGs.
  • B2B and B2C customers with growing demand for energy.
  • Relationship with Location communities.
  • Relevant activities of the EDP Institute.
  • Volunteer Initiatives.
Value Creation


  • Purpose
  • 2030 Vision
  • 2022 Strategy
  • Purpose-Driven Goals


  • Generation
  • Transmission
  • Distribution
  • Commercialization: Energy Services and Solution
Value Generated

External Outcomes

  • Customer satisfaction.
  • Communities’ development as a result of the social projects supported.
  • Community Safety

Internal Outcomes

  • Social License to Operate.
  • Partner Development.
  • Revenues.
  • Third-party capital and financing.
  • Investments in people, infrastructure and innovation.
Value Creation


  • Purpose
  • 2030 Vision
  • 2022 Strategy
  • Purpose-Driven Goals


  • Generation
  • Transmission
  • Distribution
  • Commercialization: Energy Services and Solution
Value Generated

External Outcomes

  • Added value distributed.
  • Value of taxes, fees and contributions.

Internal Outcomes

  • Employee compensation
  • Compensation of own and thirdparty capital.
  • Own and third-party employees
  • EDP Corporate University
Value Creation


  • Purpose
  • 2030 Vision
  • 2022 Strategy
  • Purpose-Driven Goals


  • Generation
  • Transmission
  • Distribution
  • Commercialization: Energy Services and Solution
Value Generated

External Outcomes

  • Safety and well-being of employees, partners and Location communities.
  • Accidents.
  • Employability.

Internal Outcomes

  • Employee Engagement.
  • Employee skills developed.
  • Humanized business digitalization.
  • Technical knowledge of the team.
  • Investments in innovation.
    • Center of Excellence in Robotization.
    • Electric Mobility.
    • EDP Ventures.
Value Creation


  • Purpose
  • 2030 Vision
  • 2022 Strategy
  • Purpose-Driven Goals


  • Generation
  • Transmission
  • Distribution
  • Commercialization: Energy Services and Solution
Value Generated

External Outcomes

  • Development of technologies and solutions for society.
  • Investments in startups

Internal Outcomes

  • R&D and Innovation Projects.

ESG Commitments

Since 2015, we have been committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), established by the UN with the purpose of engaging organizations around the world towards goals such as gender equity, fighting climate change, and preserving natural resources.

2019-2022 Goals 

In order to continue ESG performance and contributions to Ambition 2030, we have built a new set of commitments for 2022, aligned with the global strategy.


Increase female employee rate 30%
Maintain the renewable installed power      75%
Increase the installed solar power (centralized and decentralized)
135,5 MWp
Eradicate fatal accidents for employees and service providers 0
Increase customer energy efficiency 318,7 GW
Achieve Carbon Neutrality in EDP administrative buildings 100%
Improve customer satisfaction index > 75%
Maintain the investment level in the community (cumulative value from 2015) R$ 52M
Ensure a high participation in volunteer activities
Maintain the average waste recovery rate 75%
Eliminate single use plastics
Reduce specific CO2eq emissions 21%
Increase the number of customers with electric mobility solutions 4,4 mil
Promote the acquisition of an electric fleet for light vehicles 11%
Internalize the TCFD recommendations 100%
Implement Climate Change Adaptation Plans 100%
Eradicate environmental accidents and penalties 0

Indexes and Frameworks

Since 2005, EDP Brasil is a member of B3’s Sustainability Index (ISE), composed of companies with high performance levels in ESG aspects.

In 2020, the Company recorded the best performance in its history in the Index Portfolio, the result was 3 points higher than the previous year, with above-average scores in all categories of the survey and was considered a reference in five of the seven categories (General, Social, Environmental, Economic, and Nature of Product).

With this result, effective from January 4, 2021 to December 30, 2021, this will be the 15th consecutive time that the Company is among the most sustainable companies on the Brazilian stock exchange.

Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) is a survey that aims to disclose information about the climate change policies and indicators of companies listed on the world’s main stock exchanges.

In 2020, we reach the leadership level, with an A- rating. The improvement is also relevant for EDP Brasil to be more representative in the ICDPR-70 (CDP – Brazil Climate Resilience Index) portfolio, in which we will participate in 2020.

The current ICO2 portfolio will be in effect from January 4, 2021 to April 30, 2021, being rebalanced every four months, following the updates of IBrX 100. The index comprises 62 stocks from 58 companies listed on B3, which combined represent R$3.3 trillion in market value.

The ICO2 was created in 2010 aiming to be an indicator of the discussions about climate change in Brazil. 

EDP’s adhesion to ICO2 reinforces the commitments that the Company had already adopted in June 2020 with the United Nations – “1.5ºC Business Ambition” and “Recover Better”, which reiterate its goals in the search for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and which aim to contain the effects of global warming, strengthening its commitment to the ethical and sustainable development of its business.

TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures)

From the standpoint of the global sustainability targets adopted by the group, EDP Brasil has committed to implement the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) by 2022.

These recommendations aim to promote transparency by disclosing information related to Climate Change Management in a format intended primarily for an investor audience. In 2020, we conducted initiatives that are related to the TCFD pillars (Governance, Strategy, Risks and Opportunities, and Metrics and Goals), incorporating nine of the initiative’s 11 recommendations:





• Governance and responsibilities publication on Climate Change issue
in CDP.
• Coordination of the Global Compact’s Climate Action Platform. • Review of the potential risks
climate of EDP Brasil.
• Setting goals associated with CDP and ISE performance.
• Introducing climate risks and climate change management in the
Sustainability and Risk Committees.
• Expansion of the sustainability strategy through the New Business Ethics. • Development of the procedure for Managing Risks
and Opportunities Associated with Climate Emergencies (GROEC).
• Preparation of Greenhouse Gas Inventory (Scope 1, 2 and 3).
• Adherence to the global commitments “Recover
Better” and “Business Ambition for 1.5ºC”.
• Internal structuring for CDP
filing and monetization of climate risks and opportunities.
• Development of the targets based on the science of reducing emissions to limit global warming
to 1.5°C.
• Conducting the Vulnerability Climatic Study with climate scenarios.
  • Preparation of the 2020-2021 Climatic Strategic Plan

SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board)

SASB, originally created in the US in 2011, aims to support companies in identifying, managing and reporting their ESG issues.

The reporting model promoted by the SASB includes a set of sustainability standards that can be applied in 77 different sectors and identify environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues that can represent material impacts on a company’s financial performance.

Planning greenhouse gas emissions and energy resources IF-EU-110a.1  (1) Scope 1 global gross emissions, percentage covered by
(2) emissions limiting regulations and
(3) emissions regulation
tCO2eq; % (1): 1,957,991.88

(2) and (3): ND

IF-EU-110a.2 Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with energy deliveries tCO2eq ND
IF-EU-110a.3 Deliberation of long-term and short-term strategy or plan to manage Scope 1 emissions, emission reduction targets, and an analysis of performance toward those targets N/A 2020 Annual Report, pages 77 – 79
IF-EU-110a.4 (1) Number of customers served in markets subject to renewable portfolio standards (RPS) and
(2) percentage achievement of the RPS goal per market.
Qty; % ND
Air Quality IF-EU-120a.1 Air emissions of the following pollutants:
(1) NOx (excluding N2O),
(2) SOx,
(3) particulate material (PM10),
(4) lead (Pb) and
(5) mercury (Hg);
percentage of each in or near highly populated areas
t; % (1) NOx: 1,502.85
(2) SO2: 5,953.92
(3) MP: 808.52
(4) Pb: ND
(5) Hg: ND
Water Management

IF-EU-140a.1 (1) Total water removed,
(2) total consumed water,
proportion of each in regions with high or extremely high water stress from baseline
m³; % (1) 4,439,346.30; 95%
(2) 4,021,331.01; 95%
IF-EU-140a.2 Number of non-compliance events associated with water quantity and/or quality licenses, rules and regulations Qty. ND
IF-EU-140a.3 Description of water management risks and review of strategies and practices to mitigate these risks N/A ND
Coal Ash Management

IF-EU-150a.1 Volume of coal combustion residuals (CCR) generated, recycled percentage t; % 62,220.82; 70%
IF-EU-150a.2 Total number of residual coal combustion (CCR) seizures, breakdown by potential risk classification and structural integrity assessment Qty 0
Energy Accessibility

IF-EU-240a.1 Average retail electric rate for
(1) residential,
(2) commercial and
(3) industrial customers
(1) Residential: 533.81
(2) Commercial: 538.22
(3) Industrial: 508.41
(4) Rural: 442.33
(5) Other: 398.72
(6) Average – End customer: 516.83
(1) Residential: 542.56
(2) Commercial: 577.67
(3) Industrial: 553.38
(4) Rural: 425.93
(5) Other: 433.90
(6) Average – End customer: 517.71
IF-EU-240a.2 Standard monthly energy bill for residential customers for
(1) 500 kWh and
(2) 1,000 kWh of electricity delivered per month
IF-EU-240a.3 Number of electrical disconnections of residential customers due to payment default, percentage reconnected within 30 days Qty; % 2020 Annual Report, page 174
IF-EU-240a.4 Addressing the impact of external factors on customer accessibility of electricity, including the economic conditions of the operating area N/A ND
Health & Safety Workforce IF-EU-320a.1 (1) Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR),
(2) fatality rate, and
(3) Near miss frequency rate (NMFR)
Rates 2020 Annual Report, page 96
Efficiency and End-Use Demand

IF-EU-420a.1 Percentage of public service revenues from rate structures that
(1) are separated and
(2) include a lost revenue adjustment mechanism (LRAM)
% ND
IF-EU-420a.2 Percentage of electric demand served by smart grid technology %/MWh ND
IF-EU-420a.3 Customer electricity savings from efficiency measures, per market MWh Commercial (EDP Smart): 39,229.42
Regulatory (EEP): 6,322.26
Nuclear Safety & Emergency Management

IF-EU-540a.1 Total number of nuclear power units, breakdown by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Action Matrix Column Qty. NA
IF-EU-540a.2 Summary of efforts to manage nuclear safety and emergency readiness N/A NA
Network Resiliency

IF-EU-550a.1 Number of incidents of non-compliance with physical and/or cybersecurity standards or regulations Qty. 0
IF-EU-550a.2 (1) Average System Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI),
(2) Average System Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) and
(3) Customer Average Interruption Duration Index (CAIDI), including the main event days
Hours EDP SP
‘(1): DEC – 7.15 hours
(2): FEC – 4.61 hours
(3): ND
(1): DEC – 7.85 hours
(2): FEC – 4.01 hours
(3): ND
CODE Activity Measurement Unit of Measurement 2020
IF-EU-000.A Number of:
(1) residential,
(2) commercial and
(3) industrial customers served
Qty (1) Residential: 3,080,991

(2) Commercial: 23,641

(3) Industrial customers: 26.4851

(4) Other: 231,326

(5) Wholesale Customers: 562


IF-EU-000.B Total electricity delivered to:
(1) residential,
(2) commercial,
(3) industrial,
(4) other retail customers, and
(5) wholesale customers

MWh (1) Residential: 6,318,976.77

(2) Commercial: 2,851,720.66

(3) Industrial: 1,405,438.65

(4) Other retail customers: 2,549,357.40

(5) Wholesale customers (Trading): 20,312,000

IF-EU-000.C Transmission and distribution line lengths km Transmission: 315

Distribution: 95,021

IF-EU-000.D Total energy generated, percentage by energy source, percentage in regulated markets MWh; % Net Generation – Hydroelectric Power Plants: 7,521,543.24

Net Production – Coal: 1,627,749.09

Total electricity purchased – wholesale MWh Generation: 4,810,482.33

Distribution: 20,382,978.09



ESG Question Bank



edp Brasil

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